Addie Campbell is a Dog Behavior Training Specialist from Greeneville, Tennessee. As a dog behavior trainer of many years, Addie will come to your home to work with you and your dog or dogs. If you live in East Tennessee or North Carolina, call (423) 408-9954 or e-mail addie4bt@gmail.com for all your dog training needs.

FYI - Her e-mail address of addie4bt@gmail.com stands for Addie for behavior training. ​​

If you live further away than that, just pay her travel expenses and her reasonable fee(s), and she will drive or fly out to work with you and your behavior-challenged dog(s).​​

Call (423) 408-9954 and ask for Addie, the dog behavior trainer from Greene County, Tennessee.​​ 


Addie Campbell
Dog Behavior Training Specialist
Greeneville, Tennessee
Call: (423) 408-9954

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